Singing Teacher, Vocal Coach, Accompanist
Composer, Choral Director

Linda Fletcher, of Oakville, is very active in the music community as a teacher, composer, singer, adjudicator, clinician, accompanist, and music director. She began her piano studies with Grace Vandendool and went on to graduate Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Music (honours) degree in Music Education from McMaster University, where she studied piano with Reginald Bedford, and voice with Dr. Gladys Whitehead. She received her Bachelor of Education from the Ontario Teacher Education College and her A. Mus. degree in voice from the University of Western Ontario, for which she was awarded the gold medal for the highest mark in Canada. Linda continued her study of voice with Tom Oliver and organ with Keith Hopkins. She also plays French horn and guitar.
Linda is a composer of choral and vocal solo music, and writes both secular and sacred music. Her first published choral composition, A Song of Sharing, became the publisher’s best-selling song with international sales of over 15,000 copies and has since gained more popularity as a festival and exam selection. Another, Linda’s setting of The Olde Irish Blessing was performed in Rome for World Youth Day before an audience of 3,000 and continues to be performed worldwide. More recently, she was the compiler and editor of a series of Canadian song books entitled Sing!, published by Leslie Music Supply. In 2021, some of Linda’s newest songs will be distributed in partnership with Full Voice Music Inc. (www.thefullvoice.com)
Linda was a member of the creative team for the 2012 Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) voice series, and recently worked as a compiler and editor for their 2019 voice syllabus. Fifteen of her songs are included in the latest voice syllabus with five of those appearing in the voice repertoire books. In 2019, Linda was invited to be a presenter for the
RCM “Artistry and Innovation” Summit.
Linda was co-writer, performer, and arranger, with director Tom Oliver, for Voices in the Night, a non-profit fundraising vehicle, created by Linda and Mr. Oliver in 1996, which travelled throughout Southern Ontario for over 10 years. Linda also acted as singer and chorus director for two Juno-nominated recordings of children’s entertainer, Eric Nagler.
In 2006, Linda was the recipient of the Pauline McGibbon Lifetime Achievement in the Arts award, presented at Roy Thomson Hall. In 2012, she was the recipient of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers’ Association’s Special Teacher Award. At the 2016 convocation at Koerner Hall, the Royal Conservatory of Music honoured Linda as a Teacher of Distinction in recognition of her commitment to music education and contribution to the field of teaching. Linda was a featured composer in the 2002 Canadian Composer’s Calendar and has also been featured in the magazine Arts About Town.
Linda has served as organist and choir director at Walton Memorial United Church for 40 years
where, in addition to multiple weekly worship services, she directs many concerts and music
presentations. Walton has a vibrant music programme of over 70 singers in three choirs.
Linda has taught piano and voice privately for close to 50 years but in later years has focused primarily on voice. She still maintains a thriving private studio. Her students and choirs have won many local, provincial, and international awards for piano, singing, and composition including numerous RCM gold medals. Several of Linda’s students have gone on to perform professionally on international stages including Disney, Mirvish, Broadway Tours, Stratford, American Idol, America’s Got Talent, and as composers and recording artists.
Linda has adjudicated major music festivals across Canada. She is actively involved in local music festivals as syllabus advisor, concert fundraiser, and accompanist. She is co-founder and President of the Oakville Vocal Arts Festival. She also continues to work as an accompanist for voice and music theatre for the OMFA Provincial competitions.
Linda is a member of ACTRA, NATS, SOCAN, and ORMTA, where she served on the executive for ten years and was a workshop clinician for their 2012 ORMTA Provincial Convention. She is also a member of the Association of Canadian Women Composers.
Linda continues to reside in Oakville with her husband, John. They are blessed with four children who also share Linda’s love of music, and five grandchildren.